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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
A Maximalist's Lifestyle

I grow bored of my things rather easily. I change my bags and shoes faster than a slut change her pool of men. However I was very fond of my last leather bag and used it for close to a year. It was an achievement, by far. It was not until last week that I decided to rest my old faithful and return to a long forgotten but much loved bag.

It is a pink suede bag with lace and sequins. I deeply despise minimalism, opting for its more flamboyant sister personality; maximalism. The bag, with its opulent beadings reflects my personality.

While clearing out my bag last week, I found 6 Durex condoms. Today clearing the bag again to make space for my mini umbrella, I found 24 dice. Finding all these things made me smile and a sense of contentment filled my heart.

The condoms were long forgotten items hidden in the extra zipped compartment. They were sponsored by Durex and were given out as part of my safe sex campaign during Valentine's Day 2005.

As for the 24 dice, they were paraphernalia for drinking games. I have been carrying them half way around the world and I cannot even remember how the games were played.

My life has taken a drastic U-turn in the past two years or so. Looking at these things make me wonder how my life has changed. It is calmer these days and I appreciate sleeping right through the night. The phone does not ring at 5 a.m. anymore. There is a whole less drama and things are changing for the better. It is no longer spiralling out of control, like a mad drunkard on a binge night. I feel more stable, having a firmer grip of my life.

Everything has its time. It was fun and adventurous, with stories brewing daily like morning coffee in an expensive percolator. Nights were colourful and mesmerizing. Emotions ran wild like swatches of lights in dance clubs.

These days you can see me sitting poise, a warm smile lighting my face.

I am not running away. I merely chose to thread a different path. It was a conscious choice, never a sacrifice.



Getting bored with Alex ? hehehe...

7:58 am  

Perhaps it explains why we choose to do this annual migration =)

8:51 am  

Another of the many crossroads in life. Once the path is taken, as long as the best is made out of it, there'll be no regrets. Then we can look back, smiling, at the step that changed it all...

*aiks, what am I saying...*

9:03 am  

leave where the condom are. You need them for emergency ;)

6:48 am  

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