Tuesday, October 18, 2005
If I were XiaXue's Age
If I were XiaXue’s age, I would have retaliated in anger to her bloody nasty post two days back. I would have made nasty comments on her not so intelligent post entitled “I’m hungry” or something like that. She caused yet another furore for writing about the usage of the handicap toilet and her right to use it. You see, if I were XiaXue’s age, I’d probably write like this: XiaXue’s stupid. She is an arrogant, self-absorbed, good for nothing other than self praise and self-obsession, self-righteous, don’t think with her brains upstairs bitch. She is not the brightest bauble on the Christmas tree. She is the only one who's thick skin enough to regurgitate rubbish after receiving her whatever award. Given her track record, the award should be taken back. And In my dictionary, she’s pure crap and she writes crap blah blah blah. And here are some proof of her crap:- ![]() XiaXue: Woah, woah! HOLD ON DUDE. You mean only handicapped people can use handicapped toilets? Otto: Yes, darling stumpy legs pudding lard pie - only a handicapped person can use the handicapped toilets. Do you see a man entering a woman’s toilet? Please read the sign attached on the toilet door. If it says, HANDICAP, it means it is reserved for the handicapped, the same way your ladies’ toilet is reserved for women and gents for men. QUESTION TWO XiaXue: How come people have this notion that only the disabled can use facilities for the disabled? Otto: Because it is understood that the disabled toilet is meant for the disabled, the men’s for men and the ladies’ for ladies, my darling munchkin prune cake. For a Best Writer whatever, you surely take a long time to understand what even a 4 year old child understands. QUESTION THREE XiaXue: So tell me … our government spent millions of taxpayers' money to build so many facilities for the physically disabled, and only they are allowed to use it? Otto: Yes, you little spoilt monkey of a pumpkin pie. Only the disabled are allowed to use it. If the government can spend millions building facilities (such as a school which failed desperately to educate you because you don’t even recognize and respond appropriately to simple signs) for a person as selfish, careless and insensitive as you, I am sure the government wouldn’t mind spend a tiny fraction to ease the burden of the handicapped. QUESTION FOUR XiaXue: Oh, excuse me for going down the slope instead of the stairs, will you? I shouldn't have. MRT lifts - don't use it, cannot use it. Use the escalator instead. Otto: My cute, little fluffy ball of ignorance, do you see a “HANDICAP” sign attached to the MRT lifts? I’ve checked a few slopes and apparently the handicap sign is also not present. Have any of you seen any “Handicap” signs near a lift or a slope? No right? No means, they are free for the public to use. And this includes you, my little photoshopped apple struddle cupcakes. *** If XiaXue is considered to be among the best writers from Singapore, Singapore will have much to fear for its literacy future. Someone ought to do the nation a favour and shoot her with a BB gun because she’s drastically tarnishing the credibility of Singapore. Imagine writing a totally ignorant post about HER VISIT TO KUALA LUMPUR and how much she admired her beautiful Changi airport. I wonder if she’s been to either airports and compared the differing standards? Dreadful, dreadful… I believe that writers write because they have a vision, a world, a story in their minds. It is the first time for me to hear that a writer can’t write because she can’t access her photoshop. Plain ridiculous, what has actual GOOD and SOUND writing got to do with photoshop? Nothing, that’s the answer if you hadn't figured that one out. If you are a good, credible writer, you can write with a piece of stick, if that’s the only thing that you can use to record your words. If a XiaXue’s diedhard fan had a BB gun to my head and he forced me to name XiaXue’s talent, I would then say, “Okay lah, she got talents. She can turn a monkey into a pixie. Just see how she photoshopped her photos.” Okay, to be fair to XiaXue, I must admit that she’s the greatest marketing machine on the blogsphere at the moment. She got free nails, free hairdos etc. Probably she can get a plastic surgeon to correct her body proportion and while we are at it, a brain surgeon to pull her IQ up 50 notches or so. Only she has the cheek to say that she’s media. If she’s considered a celebrity, then my uncle’s second cousin’s dog’s best friend, Paulie the Monkey is a celebrity too. And Paulie doesn’t even need photoshop to write something decent. *** Alas I am a little older and definitely more matured than XiaXue. Along with this maturity, comes a little bit more wisdom. And wisdom taught me that if I can’t say anything nice, I shouldn’t say anything at all, which includes what I imagined I would have replied her if I were her age... so don't pay any attention to what I wrote above, because I am not her age anymore and I don't respond to her postings that way. I just don't bloody visit her blog, that's what I do. ![]() As for her previous article dated October 16th, I really shouldn’t say anything at all. It is her blog and everyone who goes there to read, did it out of their own free will. I believe that a writer has to be credible and responsible for her writings. A writer should never abuse the privilege to birth forth beautiful words and ideas, so I shall hold my stick and tongue. Let’s hope that XiaXue will learn to shut her gap when she’s older. *** And XiaXue’s diehard fans are right. We do not need to read her blog if we do not like what she says. That’s why I have not read it since I found it to be utter rubbish many moons ago. That is until minishorts linked to XiaXue’s site two days back and cried FOUL. And minishorts was right. Something stank big time on October 16th. *** nb: I personally do not wish to be caught up in the blogolitics. Hence you don't see me linking myself to any other blogs or mentioning/recommending any other blogs. I read more than 10 blogs daily and I like each of them. There are also blogs that I avoid with more passion than a Spanish bull fighter avoiding the bull. This post is also likely to be taken down after a week or so because I personally do not wish to participate/influence/join anything related to blogs. I want to use my time wisely, use it to concentrate on my stories in Nude, Not Naked. I am not interested in any blogolitics or be famous in the blogworld. I want to be famous in the real world with my first book and that's what I want. This post is as rare as the lunar eclipse last night... that girl serious needed a stick... Tags Xiaxue XX Minishorts Blog Writing Write Labels: Emo |
well said and good blog too
Good Grief!
she got you work-up too, eh?
nvm the pink pud, she's just acting her age - but still, abit of kink spanking is fully desired.
LoL i think she might have blogged it that way to get traffic.. else not alot ppl would've wanted to visit her site...
anyway.. i think she has got the "ah lian" face :/
Ya, i also don't read her blogs - at all. I work in Singapore and got to know about her from the newspaper. Then i visited her blog, randomly read some of the posts, looked at her pictures, and that was it. Never returned again.
Lousy writing, content without substance, and ugly face (even after photoshoped). Why torture myself?
LoL "Why torture myself?" ya kinda good question :P.. must admit dat she has got alot of fanbois
Mob1900: Honestly she didn't get me all worked up. I just felt that I should give my two cents worth. What she writes shows nothing more than her ideas and philosophies of life, reflecting on her upbringing and maturity. And since blogs are about the views and opinions of a person, I honestly believe that she has the right to blog the way she did. Hopefully five years from now, she'll go, "OH MY MADDA FRUITFUL LORD! I wrote THAT crap?"
Alicia: Just like you, I honestly believe she wrote it to gain traffic. As Hollywood says, "Bad news is better than no news." If you can't get the media to write about you in a positive light, then your media savvy publist will get you to punch someone ala Russell Crowe style and voila, every fifth person is talking about you again.
Let's not comment about her face. She's born with it and I think everyone ought to learn to accept oneself as is.
Forgive my ignorance but what the heck is a fanbois? I bloody need to use a dictionary soon.
Pinpin: I read a couple of her posts and decided that her blog isn't suitable for me. Bloody hell, it took me a few days to correct my grammar after reading her blog a few times. This doesn't matter much to some other readers but to me, this grammar thing is very crucial in my own writing Nude, Not Naked, less I end up with her grammar style lorrrrrrr...
this may just get you even more famous otto! hah....
XX fans may leave some nasty comments soon enuff.....
otto: fanbois >> ever loyal guy fans :)
age is nothing but a number. at this rate, i don't think it'd be any different in the next 50 years. good luck to her i say.
How nice of you to drop by, Miss Kimberly =) I hope you enjoyed your ride here.
While age is nothing but a number, I swear things get sweeter as you age... damn I much enjoy myself in my late 20s than my early 20s or worst, in my ghastly teens.
As for XX, there is such a thing called HOPE, as fat as it is at the moment.
i'm backing you up, she should change her name from xiaxue to KiaSu. LOL
Haha. It is really funny when she starts something like this. First it was the KL trip. Now facilities for the physically challenged people. She is just naive, haha.
In Canada, each main entrance of ANY building has a special button that allows the disabled to open the door (coz most of the time, the doors are so god damn heavy).
But everyone else uses it. It would be weird if those doors were only accesible to the disabled?
If she wants to argue about this matter, I think it is best to look into educatin citizens of the plight of the less-fortunate. And this implies that SHE needs to learn it too.
Alright, instead of speculating whether she did it on purpose or not blah blah, let's talk abt the disabled facilities in Msia instead.
I've had the privilege of residing in a few countries. Sweden has great facilities for its physically challenged citizens. Buses have an air pump of some sort which lowers its doors. This encourages and helps the elderly and the disabled to be independent and mobile.
I am yet to see that bus facility, even in London. Then again, I ride on tubes while in London and never a bus. Hmmmmm...
I am much more inclined to allocating the handicapped toilets within the confines of the men's or ladies. I am sure I've seen some shopping malls/hotels doing so but I can't name one at the moment. It's freaking 7:30 a.m.
However I can see why companies rather build ONE specially allocated handicapped toilet versus probably one or two in each of the sexes' toilets.... it's all about the moolah...
As our nation matures, our citizens will be more civic conscious and we will learn to be more sensitive and caring towards the needy. It's a part and parcel of growing up. Probably we should highlight this issue more often and we'll see some changes made for the physically challenged soon enough.
Etsee: No, I am not taking a swipe at her. My article basically brought home the message "probably the younger ones will bicker and throw mud at each other, but the older ones will just read their favourite blogs."
Also known as, "We the Ah Mah-s and Ah Chek-s on the internet will move on with our lives, read what gives us pleasure and skip what gives us blood pressure."
To be honest, I think she has every right to write what she did. A blog charts your thoughts and shares your views and this, XX did. It might not be right and not what everyone wants to hear but seriously, she's still a child and she has much to grow. She won't feel like this forever.
All of us make mistakes, who doesn't? I think I was more blur than XX at 21. I've made MANY mistakes in my time. The only difference is that I made mine in private (private includes all the nosy aunties and kaypoh uncles in the church) and XX did it ever so publicly.
So let her be what she wants to be. It reflects on her perception of the world and shows her beliefs in life. IT WILL CHANGE AS SHE MATURES and that's what makes life interesting.
Every story book has the same formula. There is a key character and this key character faces a problem. The whole story is about how this key character faces his/her problem and to be precise, how he/she OVERCOMES the problem. Let's just agree that XX will write an autobiography later in life =)
well written, same thought here. (thumbs up)
I never got to understand how her mind works. Hmm.. she needs a gray-matter mininova sometime soon :) But she writes crap, and that's what her readers like to read. I think she should go get a degree in marketing or something though, coz like u said, her talents are truly reflected in that area. But if i were XX's age,and a female, i won't go around selling myself in the blogosphere or endorsing hair/nail products. Fame but short-term fame. Beauty.. hmm doesn't apply to her fades. :)
Somebody should tell her that stupidity is NOT a handicap that allow her the privilege to use facilities for the handicap.
I think there is a reason for everything. We can speculate and discuss till kingdom come whyyyyy XX is the way she is... why she endorses nails and hair products but it'll probably be a waste of your time and mine. Actually I am certain it'll be a waste of your time and mine.
I'm gonna write another short article under about-nude-not-naked today, so I guess this is where I'd say, "Well boys and girls, enjoy your rides here...."
Sad to say she is a good writer. She knows what kind of articles get negative feedback. In fact she strives on negative feedback. If she wrote about her boring daily life, nobody would read her. She instead chooses to write about things that would get a reaction, either "haha" this girl is funny, or "I hate u XX". Either way, she knows EXACTLY the responce she will get, and she wants the reaction. Thats why she is a good writer. Sadly...thats the truth.
Nick: You are right in saying that she must have known what reaction she'd get from readers. Like I've mentioned in this commentary, "Bad news is better than no news" and when she gets the people worked up, she has won and in this way, she's a good writer.
"such as a school which failed desperately to educate you because you don’t even recognize and respond appropriately to simple signs"
excuse me, are you insulting her or insulting the schools? can you sort of set your priorities right and dont let your thoughts float around because i seriously dont see anything wrong with her schools. or her, for that matter. she has her opinions, like you have yours, so shut it already.
and no, i will not return to this blog, so dont bother to reply to the comment.
"My cute, little fluffy ball of ignorance, do you see a “HANDICAP” sign attached to the MRT lifts? I’ve checked a few slopes and apparently the handicap sign is also not present." woo... u r soo free to go check on these things? my god.. an "adult" with ntn betta to do at home than going to check some signs at MRTs.. sad..
To quote: Anonymous said...
"such as a school which failed desperately to educate you because you don’t even recognize and respond appropriately to simple signs"
excuse me, are you insulting her or insulting the schools?
If you read my post properly, you will realise that I was offering an example of what a younger person approximately XX's age MIGHT have written.
But since you kicked up a storm, let's just disucss what you said for a bit. First of all, it was not an insult to her school or her. I was not insulting anyone.
With that in mind, I shall address the 2nd part of your question. To further clarify what I wrote, this is what I meant ===> If the government can justify spending money educating her, then the government can afford to allocate a fraction of its budget to improve the lives of the physically challenged.
can you sort of set your priorities right and dont let your thoughts float around because i seriously dont see anything wrong with her schools. or her, for that matter. she has her opinions, like you have yours, so shut it already.
I think I have my priorities right. I don't see anything wrong with her schools or her. She has her opinions, as I have already mentioned many times in the comments and I respect her for that.
If you read my article again, you'll see that I mean no malice. Just like XX not meaning anything other than sharing her personal opinion.
and no, i will not return to this blog, so dont bother to reply to the comment.
Let me repeat this again. I am writing a book and this website is a writing practice. Many people have been wonderful in sharing their perception as I write and I am thankful.
This is not about who got the most visitors or the most hits. I don't bloody care for who gets a sponsorship from whoever or whatever. This is not my livelyhood and I do not depend on writing to fill my stomach or line my pockets.
What I want is to write a book that will move the people and change perceptions forever. A book that will be mentioned in time honoured book lists and not mere girlie magazines. There is a clear and distinct difference.
And you are right. Don't visit my website (I resist calling this a BLOG although technically it is) if you are disturbed by anything I write. It is a free world.
NB: I shall this article and its comment until 31st October due to new comments. Everything will be removed on the 1st November as I have promised in the article. "If I Were XiaXue's Age..." was a mere writing practice, as is a lot of the articles found here.
To quote Anon: "My cute, little fluffy ball of ignorance, do you see a “HANDICAP” sign attached to the MRT lifts? I’ve checked a few slopes and apparently the handicap sign is also not present." woo... u r soo free to go check on these things? my god.. an "adult" with ntn betta to do at home than going to check some signs at MRTs.. sad..
Darling, I am Malaysian =) I live a nomadic lifestyle between Europe and Malaysia. I spent last weekend in Chiang Mai and arrived home in Malaysia today.
Always remember, I am treating this website as a writing practice. Should I be the first to suggest to you to not take everything word for word? Not here on my website and not anywhere else. Not even great big gigantimumsuperduloulicious news networks. Always take everything with a pinch of salt.
Do not get worked up over what I said here. Or what anyone says. This is especially so in the blogsphere. Fiction writers are fiction writers for a reason. I pray that you have realised that Harry Potter is NOT real.............
Thank you for spending time here anyway. Good day.
I always thought she writes crap and I'm proven right yet again.
I agree to what you said. I just don't like the way Wendy writes. I find her arrogant and she's not even pretty. I dunno how she looks like for real without the power of Photoshop. Certainly U-G-L-Y!
SweeT! Nice description there girl..I certainly do agree abt her immaturity..esp at 22? Or is it 23? Not that I can be bothered..she should learn to grow up and stop thinking too highly of her braty little self
Se does write crap and even admits photoshop-n her photos no confidence , no substance what so ever so people shouldnt contribute to her bog by making it more popular...bimboish lookin .....so we should not support this kind of of blogs or people similar to those girl bands who come and go who cant hold a tune n die offf ... thats xiaxue ! Shes not a writter and is more interested in pictures of her self me me me !!! erksssssssssssssssssss